Wednesday, March 18, 2009

19/03/2009 banking

NRIs shifting funds from dollar to rupee accounts

Mumbai, March 18 Non-resident Indians (NRIs) appear to be making the most of the rupee’s depreciating trend against the dollar. By liquidating their foreign currency non-resident (banks) deposits denominated in dollars and parking the proceeds in non-resident ordinary rupee (NRO) and non-resident (external) rupee (NRE) accounts, they are laughing all the way to the bank.

The upshot of this arbitrage is that even as there was an outflow of funds aggregating $1.194 billion from FCNR(B) deposits in the April 2008-January 2009 period (as against an outflow of $670 million in the corresponding period last year), the NRO and NRE deposits saw a robust accretion of $2.201 billion ($637 million inflow) and $1.138 billion ($373 outflow) respectively.

Given that sub-one per cent interest rate regime is prevailing in most advanced economies, NRIs are deploying their hard earned money with Indian banks. By not getting adventurous with their investments and sticking to the knitting, they are not only assured of protection of their principal but also earn a decent return from banks in India. Net of tax, NRIs stand to earn as high as 6.8 per cent yield (or pre-tax return of 8 per cent) in the case of one-year NRO deposits. Indians settled overseas are reportedly taking loans to take advantage of the high interest rates on NRO and NR(E)RA deposits. In the case of NRE and FCNR(B) deposits, the one-year returns are 3.87 per cent and 3.12 per cent respectively.

“NRIs pulled out money from FCNR deposits, which are denominated in six foreign currencies including the US dollar, euro, pound, etc, when the rupee started depreciating beyond the 45 levels and deposited the proceeds into NR(E)RA deposits, which are denominated in rupees. NRIs are not only taking advantage of the interest rate differential between India and overseas but also between the three deposit schemes aimed at them,” said a Bank of India official.

In view of the robust inflows on account of NRIs, bankers are of the opinion that the Reserve Bank of India could effectively counteract the country’s declining foreign exchange reserves by increasing the interest rate ceiling on NRE and FCNR(B) deposits further. Since March-end 2008, India’s forex reserves have come down by $62.431 billion to stand at $247.292 billion as of March 6, 2009.

Indian holdings in US treasuries soar to $32.5 b

Bangalore, March 18 India’s holdings of the US Government securities rose by $17.9 billion on a year-on-year basis despite a sharp contraction in foreign exchange reserves.

The US Treasury Department data released on March 17 showed India’s holding of US Treasury securities at a record $32.5 billion, as against the $14.6 billion a year earlier. The institutions that invest in US Treasuries, besides the Reserve Bank of India, include the General Insurance Corporation of India, foreign branches/subsidiaries of domestic banks and domestic mutual funds that are permitted to invest in foreign securities.

Investments in US dollar securities rose by $3.3 billion between December and January alone. Foreign exchange reserves though contracted by slightly over $6 billion during the same period and by over $44 billion between January 2008 and January 2009. During the same period, the Reserve Bank of India intervened in the foreign exchange markets to calibrate the depreciation of the rupee against the dollar.

The intervention was partly to support the foreign exchange requirements of the oil refineries through special market operations (SMOs) and direct sale of foreign currency to importers. The SMOs implied purchase of special oil bonds by the RBI and simultaneous release of foreign exchange to the refineries. Since the beginning of the SMOs in June this financial year, the RBI has purchased Rs 31,680 crore of oil bonds releasing the equivalent of about $6 billion in foreign currency to the refineries.

Oil bonds

Traders said that the increase in the US treasuries holdings was largely on account of the preference for safe haven investments. With American banks facing a meltdown, many domestic banks have already reduced their holdings of deposits in US banks and shifted them to the US treasuries. Some of the public sector banks also reduced their corresponding balances in US banks, shifting them to US treasuries. This was largely because the corresponding accounts were not covered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s safety net. At present, only US residents are covered by the FDIC. Besides, bankers said that many institutions also reduced their holdings in UK and Euro-denominated securities to the US Treasuries to derisk investment portfolios.

However, bulk of the holdings in US Treasuries was in short-term Treasury Bills. The preference for short-term Treasury Bills was largely due to high liquidity. Longer term securities tend to be less liquid. However, the yields on these securities were also low. For instance, the 90-day US dollar T-bill currently generates yields of barely 0.25 per cent, equivalent to the current Federal funds rate. One year securities generate higher yields of about 0.46 per cent.

Traders said the low yields not withstanding, there were still possibilities to make profits from Treasury operations. Banks are expecting one more round of the interventions when the Federal Open Market Committee meets for a further revision in the Federal funds target.

Trade finance getting dearer

New Delhi, March 18 With India’s exports losing traction and sliding on a negative zone since October 2008 in the face of a global economic slowdown and contraction of overseas demand, there is nothing to cheer up on the trade finance side too.

Available trade financing across the world have stumbled, following international financial strains that were a major factor in pushing up the trade financing cost.

The persistent plea by Indian exporters for higher trade financing at an affordable cost and even dollar credit from lending bodies, particularly from banks, have not been met in any satisfactory way.

This general apathy to exporters’ plea and the escalating cost and declining availability of finance for imports and exports are taking a toll, especially in emerging markets, says a senior official of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Mr Thomas Dorsey.

Fund-Bank Survey

Writing in the latest quarterly journal of Finance & Development, a joint publication of the Fund and the World Bank, Mr Dorsey, Division Chief in the IMF’s Strategy, Policy and Review Department, said the Fund has worked with the Bankers’ Association for Finance and Trade (BAFT) for a survey. The survey focused on bank-intermediated forms of global trade finance such as letters of credit and trade lending.

In a questionnaire to a long list of banks, of which 40 responded — roughly evenly split between advanced countries and emerging markets — the survey found that the price of trade finance has increased sharply.

About 90 per cent of the banks reported increased prices of both short and medium-term lending facilities in which the goods being traded serve as collateral.

Higher fund costs

Stating that roughly 80 per cent of the banks contended that a higher cost of funds played a key role in increasing the price of trade finance, Mr Dorsey said the pressure of heightened cost of funds to banks has outweighed the dampening price effect of sharply less restrictive monetary policies in several countries. The higher capital requirements imposed by regulators and by banks on their own lending have also pushed the spreads between the banks’ costs of funds and the price of trade finance to their clientele.

Lending criteria

In the survey, more than 90 per cent of the banks in advanced economies and 70 per cent in emerging markets said they had changed their lending criteria with respect to the specific counterparty bank to the trade transactions.

The survey suggests that emerging markets and commodities trade are likely to be the hardest hit. While the higher costs of trade finance are global, the decline in availability has supervened more in the emerging markets in Asia, with emerging market banks reporting on average a 6 per cent decline in trade finance transactions. While developed country banks expect no significant change in transactions, emerging market banks expect on average a 10 per cent decrease this year, he said.

Mr Dorsey states that growth prospects also matter but the dismal near-term outlook for the world economy would place upward pressure on the cost of trade finance as banks set rates that account for the higher probabilities of defaults by importers and exporters. For manufactured goods with low profit margins, which are most important in East Asian trade, the higher price of financing could reduce volume because importers may not be able to afford more expensive letters of credit.

For countries like India in the emerging markets, where much of the intraregional trade is in low-profit margin items that are part of the manufacturing supply chain for exports to advanced economies, the portents on the trade financing front are none too promising, trade policy analysts worryingly say.

Axis Bank to curtail personal loan portfolio

Kolkata, March 18 The eastern zone of Axis Bank, comprising West Bengal, entire North-East, Bihar, Jharkhand and parts of Chhattisgarh, would curtail its personal loan portfolio following an increase in delinquencies.

The bank would lend personal loans only to its existing customers, according to Mr S.K. Mitra, President, Eastern Zonal Office, Axis Bank.

The bank plans to restructure its existing personal loan book on a case-to-case basis in order to curb the rise of non-performing assets. The personal loan portfolio of the bank in the region was at Rs 184 crore and the NPAs were ‘significantly high’, Mr Mitra told Business Line.

Talking about restructuring of the personal loan portfolio, Mr Anindya Sen, Vice-President, Zonal Head-Retail Assets, said, “There are some genuine customers who have approached us for restructuring of their loans. These are customers with a good track record but have defaulted due to market conditions. Restructuring such loans will prevent it from becoming an NPA.” Extending the tenure of loan, thereby bringing down the equated monthly instalments, could be one way to help these customers, Mr Sen observed.

Retail portfolio, at Rs 1,250 crore, accounts for almost 25 per cent of the bank’s total advances in the region at Rs 5,000 crore. The East, according to Mr Mitra, was a retail intensive region and the bank would leverage the strength of the zone.

Home loan

The home loan segment has not been largely impacted by the recession and has rather been witnessing a good growth, Mr Mitra pointed out. “The real estate prices in the eastern region did not require too much of a correction as in other regions. There has been a good growth in the home loan segment,” he said.

The home loan portfolio stands at Rs 777 crore. The NPA in the segment is at about 2.5 per cent. The region has also witnessed a steady growth in its auto loan portfolio. “The auto loan portfolio was launched just two years ago and we have done a business of Rs 275 crore and the NPA is as low as 0.4 per cent,” Mr Sen said.

The total business of the bank stands at Rs 20,000 crore (advances at Rs 5,000 crore and deposits at Rs 15,000 crore). The eastern zone expects business growth of 35 per cent in 2009-2010.

Low-cost current account and savings account (CASA) deposits account for 50 per cent of the bank’s total deposits, Mr Mitra said. The bank hopes to register a good growth in fee-based income from the sale of third party products. “Private banking and wealth management are areas we will be looking at in a big way,” he said.

The bank plans to add 40 more branches in the region during the next financial year thereby taking the branch strength to more than 200.

latest M&A's

LIC hikes stake in 11 firms for Rs6,450 cr
Cashing in on the current lower value of different stocks, the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has increased its stake in as many as 11 firms, including SBI and ICICI Bank, so far this year through open market transactions worth a little more than Rs6,400 crore.
The country’s largest financial institution has hiked its stake in seven companies to nearly 10%, while it has raised its holding in another four in the range of 3-7%. The value of the transactions is totalling to Rs6,450 crore based on the current market prices.
Analysts said with the market plunging from its peak level barely a year ago, domestic institutional investors are evincing interest in buying as they are attractive at existing levels.
“During January-March period, insurance companies have cash surplus. As the premiums for different schemes keep coming in, there is no dearth of long-term funds,” Ashika Stock Brokers research head Paras Bothra said.
LIC has been shopping heavily in state-run entities and at present its stake in the largest public sector lender SBI stands at 9.16% against 4.58% in December quarter.
“Banking stocks were hammered in the market meltdown. LIC is on a stake hike spree knowing well that values would be attractive in future when the market recovers,” SMC Global vice president Rajesh Jain said.

Russia may acquire stake in Indian telecom firm

IBM is in talks to buy Sun Microsystems Inc for at least $6.5 billion, The Wall Street Journal reported, in a deal that could bolster their computer server products against rivals such as Hewlett-Packard Co.
That would translate into a premium of about 100% over Sun’s Nasdaq closing price Tuesday of $4.97 a share, the paper said, citing people familiar with the matter.
Sun, which was not immediately available for comment, has long been cited as a takeover target for International Business Machines Corp, HP, Dell Inc or Cisco Systems Inc, which this week unveiled its plan to start making blade servers that power corporate computer networks.
But bankers and analysts have also said the challenge of valuing Sun’s intertwined software, hardware and services businesses could put off potential buyers. The company has never fully recovered from the dot-com bubble burst in the early 2000s, when demand for its high-end servers cratered.
“It makes sense in an industry consolidation view, but looking at Sun’s performance over the last couple of years, it’s not one of my top picks for IBM to buy,” said Jyske Bank analyst Robert Jakobsen, speaking from Denmark.
“Having said that, there’s clearly a huge synergy combining these two companies,” he said.
“It will lessen the competitive pressure within the data center,” he said, adding, “The market hasn’t been kind to Sun Microsystems in the last 12 months. So it’s not an expensive acquisition in my view.”
An IBM spokesman in Bangalore declined to comment. The US representatives of the company, which had nearly $13 billion in cash at the end of 2008, were not immediately available.
The Frankfurt shares of Sun rose 54% after The Wall Street Journal’s online report, which said the company had approached a number of large tech companies in the hopes of being acquired. HP declined the offer, the paper said, citing a person briefed on the matter.
The paper said a deal with IBM could happen as early as this week, but that talks could also fall apart. If IBM buys Sun, it would be the company’s largest acquisition since it bought Canadian software maker Cognos for about $5 billion in January 2008.
Global IT spending cuts
IBM was the world’s largest maker of servers in the fourth quarter, with a market share of 36.3%, according to market researcher IDC. HP came next with 29.0%, followed by Dell, 10.6%; Sun, 9.3%; and Fujitsu, 4.2%.
The top five server vendors all posted declines in their fourth-quarter server revenue, hurt by pullbacks in corporate spending on technology due to the weak global economy.
Cisco’s new foray into the server market could trigger a wave of mergers and acquisitions, analysts have said, citing data equipment maker Brocade Communications Systems Inc, infrastructure software maker Citrix Systems Inc and niche network optimization companies, such as Blue Coat Systems Inc and Riverbed Technology Inc, as possible targets.
“This is about the fact that IBM wants to become a one-stop shop for all IT related offerings, whether it is hardware, software services or solutions,” Avinash Vashistha, chief executive at IT consultancy Tholons Inc, said of IBM’s reported interest in Sun.
“They have been executing this strategy for the last few years and with the Sun deal, they will only accelerate that move.”
Sun, whose name stands for Stanford University Network, rose to prominence in the 1990s when start-ups flocked to its high-end computers, which run on its Solaris operating system and have been widely used in the financial services industry.
When the Internet bubble burst in 2000-01, funding for start-ups dried up along with much of the demand for Sun’s computers. Sun tried to reinvent itself by acquiring companies and expanding production of Linux-based computers, which tend to be cheaper. But that failed to revive its stock price.
Sun stock is down 71% in the last 52 weeks, a far cry from an all-time high of $258.75 that it touched during the dot-com boom.
The company -- which is shedding up to 6,000 jobs, or 18% of its workforce -- reported a net loss of $209 million for its second quarter ended 28 December, compared with year-earlier net profit of $260 million. Revenue fell 11% to $3.22 billion.
Analysts said technology companies were looking to acquisitions as organic growth was difficult given the poor economy.
“Plus, valuations are also very cheap now,” said Tarun Sisodia, a technology sector analyst with Indian brokerage Anand Rathi Financial Services. “It’s a good time to pick up the companies that can contribute to your growth in these difficult times.”

IBM in talks to buy Sun Microsystems:

IBM is in talks to buy Sun Microsystems Inc for at least $6.5 billion, The Wall Street Journal reported, in a deal that could bolster their computer server products against rivals such as Hewlett-Packard Co.
That would translate into a premium of about 100% over Sun’s Nasdaq closing price Tuesday of $4.97 a share, the paper said, citing people familiar with the matter.
Sun, which was not immediately available for comment, has long been cited as a takeover target for International Business Machines Corp, HP, Dell Inc or Cisco Systems Inc, which this week unveiled its plan to start making blade servers that power corporate computer networks.
But bankers and analysts have also said the challenge of valuing Sun’s intertwined software, hardware and services businesses could put off potential buyers. The company has never fully recovered from the dot-com bubble burst in the early 2000s, when demand for its high-end servers cratered.
“It makes sense in an industry consolidation view, but looking at Sun’s performance over the last couple of years, it’s not one of my top picks for IBM to buy,” said Jyske Bank analyst Robert Jakobsen, speaking from Denmark.
“Having said that, there’s clearly a huge synergy combining these two companies,” he said.
“It will lessen the competitive pressure within the data center,” he said, adding, “The market hasn’t been kind to Sun Microsystems in the last 12 months. So it’s not an expensive acquisition in my view.”
An IBM spokesman in Bangalore declined to comment. The US representatives of the company, which had nearly $13 billion in cash at the end of 2008, were not immediately available.
The Frankfurt shares of Sun rose 54% after The Wall Street Journal’s online report, which said the company had approached a number of large tech companies in the hopes of being acquired. HP declined the offer, the paper said, citing a person briefed on the matter.
The paper said a deal with IBM could happen as early as this week, but that talks could also fall apart. If IBM buys Sun, it would be the company’s largest acquisition since it bought Canadian software maker Cognos for about $5 billion in January 2008.
Global IT spending cuts
IBM was the world’s largest maker of servers in the fourth quarter, with a market share of 36.3%, according to market researcher IDC. HP came next with 29.0%, followed by Dell, 10.6%; Sun, 9.3%; and Fujitsu, 4.2%.
The top five server vendors all posted declines in their fourth-quarter server revenue, hurt by pullbacks in corporate spending on technology due to the weak global economy.
Cisco’s new foray into the server market could trigger a wave of mergers and acquisitions, analysts have said, citing data equipment maker Brocade Communications Systems Inc, infrastructure software maker Citrix Systems Inc and niche network optimization companies, such as Blue Coat Systems Inc and Riverbed Technology Inc, as possible targets.
“This is about the fact that IBM wants to become a one-stop shop for all IT related offerings, whether it is hardware, software services or solutions,” Avinash Vashistha, chief executive at IT consultancy Tholons Inc, said of IBM’s reported interest in Sun.
“They have been executing this strategy for the last few years and with the Sun deal, they will only accelerate that move.”
Sun, whose name stands for Stanford University Network, rose to prominence in the 1990s when start-ups flocked to its high-end computers, which run on its Solaris operating system and have been widely used in the financial services industry.
When the Internet bubble burst in 2000-01, funding for start-ups dried up along with much of the demand for Sun’s computers. Sun tried to reinvent itself by acquiring companies and expanding production of Linux-based computers, which tend to be cheaper. But that failed to revive its stock price.
Sun stock is down 71% in the last 52 weeks, a far cry from an all-time high of $258.75 that it touched during the dot-com boom.
The company -- which is shedding up to 6,000 jobs, or 18% of its workforce -- reported a net loss of $209 million for its second quarter ended 28 December, compared with year-earlier net profit of $260 million. Revenue fell 11% to $3.22 billion.
Analysts said technology companies were looking to acquisitions as organic growth was difficult given the poor economy.
“Plus, valuations are also very cheap now,” said Tarun Sisodia, a technology sector analyst with Indian brokerage Anand Rathi Financial Services. “It’s a good time to pick up the companies that can contribute to your growth in these difficult times.”

Friday, February 22, 2008

Mediacom’s turn to try and buy Madison

If a deal is indeed reached, it is unclear if Mediacom and Madison will be merged or remain as separate brands

Mumbai: The on-and-off sale talk over Madison Communications Pvt. Ltd, a large player among India’s dwindling independent media agencies, is heating up again, this time over a potential deal with WPP Group Plc.’s media agency Mediacom Pvt. Ltd.
It is unclear if Madison’s founder and owner Sam Balsara is ready to do a deal now, though, if he does sign off, he is expected to retain a share in the agency, which says it has annual gross billings of Rs1,300 crore and has been coveted by several global advertising and media networks in the past.
Pick and choose: Madison’s founder and owner Sam Balsara Madison.
Balsara did not return telephone and email messages from Mint.
Previous attempts by potential acquirers have often stalled over valuations and it is likely similar issues could yet crop up in Mediacom’s desire to do a deal.
Complicating matters — and valuations — is the fact that one of Madison’s largest clients, the Indian arm of Procter and Gamble Co. (P&G), has put its account for review. If Madison doesn’t retain the business, a potential buyer would be looking at a significant reduction in Madison’s business.
Still, with key big spending brands such as Airtel, Coca-Cola, Cadbury, Tata Tea, McDonalds and Asian Paints, Madison is in the driver’s seat when it comes to doing a deal. It has 15 business units in businesses such as advertising, media, outdoor, public relations, and has some 500 employees in seven Indian cities.
Some media buyers estimate Madison would be valued at Rs100 crore minimum, though Mint wasn’t able to ascertain any valuation discussions between Madison and Mediacom.
At least two people at Madison, neither of whom wanted to be named, said talks between Balsara and Mediacom Worldwide’s global executives, who had recently flown to Mumbai to discuss the deal, have now left the ball in Madison’s court. They add that Balsara appears to be more inclined to sell this time around.
Mediacom’s executives who were in Mumbai recently included its CEO Alexander Schmidt-Vogel; Kevin Clarke, CEO, Mediacom APAC, and CFO Christoph Speck, these people said.
Divya Gururaj, managing director of Mediacom, said there were no company visitors in town and said she had no comment on questions related to a potential deal.
Should Mediacom succeed in buying Madison, it would create significant synergies for WPP’s media buying agency, GroupM, which already controls around 50% of all media spending in India through its centralized media buying unit CTG —Central Trading Group.
Adding a big player such as Madison would easily take this share to more than 60%, note some ad buyers, giving GroupM even more muscle when it comes to negotiating ad purchases from media houses.
If a deal is indeed reached, it is unclear if Mediacom and Madison will be merged or remain as separate brands. Merging the two could help since Mediacom and Starcom MediaVest Group share media planning for P&G India and Madison currently does media buying. While GroupM does planning and buying for P&G India’s rival, Hindustan Unilever Ltd, it is done under a separate media agency, Mindshare.
“This could be the reason why the (potential) acquisition is being done via the Mediacom route as opposed to GroupM directly acquiring it,” speculates one media buyer.
A merger could help reinvigorate Mediacom in India as it saw joint presidents Jasmin Sohrabji and Harish Shriyan move to Optimum Media Direction, the media agency of the Omnicom Group, last year. In doing so, they took accounts such as Parle Agro and Johnson and Johnson with them. Mediacom still handles brands such as Sony, Pampers, Volkswagen, Edelweiss Capital, Dell and Wrigley’s chewing gum.
People familiar with past conversations involving a potential deal for Madison say that Balsara had been approached by other media networks in recent times, including the Aegis Group, which owns media agency Carat Media Services India Ltd, and Starcom MediaVest, which owns media agency Starcom Worldwide. They claim talks with Aegis and Starcom fell apart over valuations that they both saw as too high. Patrick Stahle, CEO, Aegis Media, Asia-Pacific, had previously told Mint that he had been in acquisition talks with Balsara, but had declined to elaborate.

LN Mittal, Fallaron buy into Indiabulls power unit

Billionaire Mittal, who already owns 1.16% of Indiabulls Real, will buy 14.1 % through LNM India Ventures Ltd, while a unit of Farallon would hold 23.4% in Sophia Power Company

Mumbai: Steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal and hedge fund Farallon Capital Management have agreed to buy a total of 37.5 percent for about $400 million in a power unit of Indiabulls Real Estate, the Indian firm said on Friday.
Billionaire Mittal, who already owns 1.16% of Indiabulls Real, will buy 14.1 % through LNM India Ventures Ltd, while a unit of Farallon would hold 23.4% in Sophia Power Company, Indiabulls said.
It also said it was planning to merge Sophia Power with Indiabulls Power Services Ltd, a 100% subsidiary.
Subsequently, Farallon Capital will hold 17.9%in the merged entity and Mittal will own 10.7%, it said.
The company gave no further details, but the Economic Times said in an unsourced report the transaction valued Indiabulls Power Services at Rs55.25 billion ($1.4 billion).
The newspaper paper said Indiabulls Power planned to build power projects with a total capacity of 11,400 megawatts in several Indian states

merger and acquisition

Jaguar buy drives Tata Motors shareholders to exit holdings

Tata Motors Ltd’s pursuit of Ford Motor Co.’s Jaguar and Land Rover luxury units spurred A.S. Thiyaga Rajan to sell 99% of his shares in India’s biggest truckmaker. He isn’t alone in dumping the stock.

The Mumbai-based company is down 11% since 3 January, when it was named Ford’s preferred bidder. Holders such as Alliance Bernstein Japan Ltd and Waddell and Reed Financial Inc. sold their stakes after the overture for UK-based Jaguar and Land Rover was reported in July.

Investors are complaining that Tata Motors may not be able to spend enough in India, the second fastest growing major auto market behind China. The company should focus on the $2,500 (Rs100,000) Nano microcar, not $100,000 Jaguars, said Rajan, who manages $250 million at Singapore-based Aquarius Investment Advisors Pte.

“Integrating the acquisition isn’t going to be easy at all,” Rajan said. “I can’t see an iota of fit in this deal.” He wouldn’t disclose the size of his stake in Tata Motors, which he began accumulating five years ago.

Buying Land Rover and Jaguar may cost Tata Motors $1.7 billion, or four times 2007 earnings, and cut fiscal 2009 per-share profit by 42%, Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. analyst S. Arun says. Morgan Stanley’s Balaji Jayaraman recommends selling the stock and says it may fall 11% in 12 months.

Tata Motors and Ford, the world’s third largest automaker, are in final talks on a deal to give the Indian company access to advanced engines and powertrains and control of two of the world’s best-known luxury brands after only 10 years of making cars.

‘Very satisfied’

“We are very satisfied with the progress of the discussions,” Tata Motors spokesperson Debasis Ray said, declining further comment.

While 18 analysts including Arun in a Bloomberg survey call Tata Motors a buy, the shares fell 18% in the 12 months ended on Wednesday, while India’s Sensex index rose 45%. Three analysts say to hold and two recommend selling.

The company “will face considerable execution and integration challenges” with Jaguar and Land Rover, said vice-president Elizabeth Allen of Moody’s Investors Service, which said on 4 January it may lower Tata Motors’ Ba1 debt rating. Standard & Poor’s also cited the deal in saying it may cut Tata from BB+.

Credit default swaps on Tata debt have almost doubled to a record since 3 January, according to CMA DataVision in New York. The contracts are used to protect bondholders against default. A rise in price reflects a drop in perceptions of credit quality.

Besides, AllianceBernstein LP and Waddell & Reed Inc., other large sellers include BlackRock Inc. investment managers, which got rid of more than 1 million shares, or 87% of its stake, according to a 10 December filing.

Shutdown costs

“If the acquisition doesn’t fit well with Tata Motors, the cost of shutting it down would be close to $5 billion,” said Gulbir Madan, who manages about $400 million in Indian equities including Tata Motors shares at Neptune Capital Management Llc. in New York.

Ratan Tata, 70, chairman of parent Tata group, rejects suggestions Tata Motors is overreaching by adding luxury brands to pair with Nano—the world’s cheapest car. “We’re not trying to be a global player,” he said in New Delhi on 10 January after unveiling the Nano, which will be built in a new plant costing $249 million. “We will grow internationally in select markets.”

Leaping ahead

Tata Motors, which controls more than half of India’s truck market and about 17% of passenger car sales, has leaped ahead before by acquiring other companies.

Buying South Korea’s Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Co. Ltd in 2003 enabled the company to produce trucks with as much as 400 horsepower — more than twice what it had been building, and enter the very-heavy truck segment.

“On their own, Tata would have taken years to get this technology,” said analyst Amit Kasat of Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd in Mumbai, who rates the shares as a “buy.”

Still, success with Jaguar and Land Rover would buck recent history in industry buyouts.

Germany’s DaimlerChrysler AG lost $12.6 billion in market value during its nine-year ownership of Chrysler Llc. before selling 80.1% of the US automaker to Cerberus Capital Management LP last year.

Ford has tried for 21 years to boost earnings, but Jaguar was never consistently profitable following the 1989 buy. Ford bought Land Rover in 2000.

Tata Motors’s interest in the U.K. units “seems odd, given their historic focus on mass cars for the cost-conscious,” said Devan Kaloo, who helps manage $9 billion for Aberdeen Asset Management Ltd in London.

The Ford deal “potentially will be value destructive,” said Kaloo, who doesn’t own the stock.

Investors shouldn’t be distracted by enthusiasm in India for a domestic takeover of two UK brands whose roots date to the days of British colonial rule, Rajan said.

“Patriotic ebullience doesn’t rub off on the shares,” he said.

Pooja Thakur in Mumbai and Subramaniam Sharma in New Delhi contributed to this story

Ess Dee Aluminium to revive and acquire India Foils

The acquisition of India Foils’ 19,000 tonnes per annum capacity would boost Ess Dee’s capacity to about 39,000 tonnes per annum

Mumbai: Packaging material maker Ess Dee Aluminium Ltd said on Monday it plans to acquire majority stake in India Foils Ltd, after helping revive the sick unit, to help boost capacity.

In a statement to the stock exchange, Ess Dee said it will join hands with India Foils founders, Madras Aluminium Co Ltd, to revive the company through a rehabilitation scheme, permission for which is expected within the next 60-90 days.

It plans to acquire 90% in India Foils for about Rs1-1.5 billion once it comes out of the purview of the Board for Industrial & Financial Reconstruction (BIFR), Ess Dee chairman and managing director Sudip Dutta told a business news channel.

The acquisition of India Foils’ 19,000 tonnes per annum capacity would boost Ess Dee’s capacity to about 39,000 tonnes per annum, he added.

Madras Aluminium, a Vedanta group firm, currently holds a 38.8% of India Foils.

Ess Dee shares were trading 2.25% higher at Rs626, off a high of Rs680, while India Foils shares rose by their daily maximum limit of 5% to Rs16.40 in a weak Mumbai market.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


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Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES), Singapore

Singapore International Monetary Exchange Ltd. (SIMEX), Singapore

Colombo Stock Exchange, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Stock Closings, Sri Lanka

Taiwan Stock Exchange, Taiwan

The Stock Exchange of Thailand, Thailand

European Stock Exchanges

Vienna Stock Exchange, Austria

EASDAQ, Belgium

Zagreb Stock Exchange, Croatia

Prague Stock Exchange, Czech Republic

Copenhagen Stock Exchange, Denmark

Helsinki Stock Exchange, Finland

Paris Stock Exchange, France

LesEchos: 30-minute delayed prices, France

NouveauMarc he, France

MATIF, France

Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Germany

Athens Stock Exchange, Greece

Budapest Stock Exchange, Hungary

Italian Stock Exchange, Italy

National Stock Exchange of Lithuania,Lithuania

Macedonian Stock Exchange, Macedonia

Amsterdam Stock Exchange, The Netherlands

Oslo Stock Exchange, Norway

Warsaw Stock-Exchange, Poland

Lisbon Stock Exchange, Portugal

Bucharest Stock Exchange, Romania

Russian Securities Market News, Russia

Ljubljana Stock Exchange,Inc., Slovenia

Barcelona Stock Exchange, Spain

Madrid Stock Exchange, Spain

MEFF: (Spanish Financial Futures & Options Exchange), Spain

Stockholm Stock Exchange, Sweden

Swiss Exchange, Switzerland

Istanbul Stock Exhange, Turkey

FTSE International (London Stock Exchange), United Kingdom

London Stock Exchange: Daily Price Summary, United Kingdom

Electronic Share Information, UnitedKingdom

London Metal Exchange,United Kingdom

London InternationalFinancial Futures and Options Exchange, United Kingdom

Middle Eastern Stock Exchanges

Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, Israel

Amman Financial Market, Jordan

Beirut Stock Exchange, Lebanon

Palestine Securities Exchange, Palestine

Istanbul Stock Exhange, Turkey

North American Stock Exchanges

Alberta Stock Exchange, Canada

Montreal Stock Exchange, Canada

Toronto Stock Exchange, Canada

Vancouver Stock Exchange, Canada

Winnipeg Stock Exchange, Canada

Canadian Stock Market Reports, Canada

Canada Stockwatch, Canada

Mexican Stock Exchange, Mexico

AMEX, United States

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE),United States

NASDAQ, United States

The Arizona Stock Exchange, United States

Chicago Stock Exchange, United States

Chicago Board Options Exchange, United States

Chicago Board of Trade, United States

Chicago Mercantile Exchange, United States

Kansas City Board of Trade, United States

Minneapolis Grain Exchange, United States

Pacific Stock Exchange, United States

Philadelphia Stock Exchange, United States

South American Stock Exchanges

Bermuda Stock Exchange, Bermuda

Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange, Brazil

Sao Paulo Stock Exchange, Brazil

Cayman Islands Stock Exchange, Cayman Islands

Chile Electronic Stock Exchange, Chile

Santiago Stock Exchange, Chile

Bogota stock exchange, Colombia

Occide nte Stock exchange, Colombia

Guayaquil Stock Exchange, Ecuador

Jamaica Stock Exchange, Jamaica

Nicaraguan Stock Exchange, Nicaragua

Lima Stock Exchange, Peru

Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange, Trinidad and Tobago

Caracas Stock Exchange, Venezuela

Venezuela Electronic Stock Exchange, Venezuela



Bank of Afghanistan


Bank of Albania


Bank of Algeria


Central Bank of Argentina


Central Bank of Armenia


Central Bank of Aruba


Reserve Bank of Australia


Austrian National Bank


National Bank of Azerbaijan


Central Bank of The Bahamas


Central Bank of Bahrain


Bangladesh Bank


Central Bank of Barbados


National Bank of the Republic of Belarus


National Bank of Belgium


Central Bank of Belize


Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)


Bermuda Monetary Authority


Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan


Central Bank of Bolivia


Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina


Bank of Botswana


Central Bank of Brazil


Bulgarian National Bank

Burkina Faso:

Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)


National Bank of Cambodia


Bank of Central African States


Bank of Canada - Banque du Canada

Cayman Islands:

Cayman Islands Monetary Authority

Central African Republic:

Bank of Central African States


Bank of Central African States


Central Bank of Chile


The People's Bank of China


Bank of the Republic


Central Bank of Comoros


Bank of Central African States

Costa Rica:

Central Bank of Costa Rica

Côte d'Ivoire:

Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)


Croatian National Bank


Central Bank of Cuba


Central Bank of Cyprus

Czech Republic:

Czech National Bank


National Bank of Denmark

Dominican Republic:

Central Bank of the Dominican Republic

East Caribbean area:

Eastern Caribbean Central Bank


Central Bank of Ecuador


Central Bank of Egypt

El Salvador:

Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador

Equatorial Guinea:

Bank of Central African States


Bank of Estonia


National Bank of Ethiopia

European Union:

European Central Bank


Reserve Bank of Fiji


Bank of Finland


Bank of France


Bank of Central African States

The Gambia:

Central Bank of The Gambia


National Bank of Georgia


Deutsche Bundesbank


Bank of Ghana


Bank of Greece


Bank of Guatemala

Guinea Bissau:

Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)


Bank of Guyana


Central Bank of Haiti


Central Bank of Honduras

Hong Kong:

Hong Kong Monetary Authority


Magyar Nemzeti Bank


Central Bank of Iceland


Reserve Bank of India


Bank Indonesia


The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Central Bank of Iraq


Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland


Bank of Israel


Bank of Italy


Bank of Jamaica


Bank of Japan


Central Bank of Jordan


National Bank of Kazakhstan


Central Bank of Kenya


Bank of Korea


Central Bank of Kuwait


National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic


Bank of Latvia


Central Bank of Lebanon


Central Bank of Lesotho


Central Bank of Libya


Bank of Lithuania


Central Bank of Luxembourg


Monetary Authority of Macao


National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia


Central Bank of Madagascar


Central Bank of Malaysia


Reserve Bank of Malawi


Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)


Central Bank of Malta


Bank of Mauritius


Bank of Mexico


National Bank of Moldova


Bank of Mongolia


Bank of Morocco


Bank of Mozambique


Bank of Namibia


Central Bank of Nepal


Netherlands Bank

Netherlands Antilles:

Bank of the Netherlands Antilles

New Zealand:

Reserve Bank of New Zealand


Central Bank of Nicaragua


Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)


Central Bank of Nigeria


Central Bank of Norway


Central Bank of Oman


State Bank of Pakistan

Papua New Guinea:

Bank of Papua New Guinea


Central Bank of Paraguay


Central Reserve Bank of Peru


Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas


National Bank of Poland


Bank of Portugal


Qatar Central Bank


National Bank of Romania


Central Bank of Russia


National Bank of Rwanda

San Marino:

Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino


Central Bank of Samoa

Saudi Arabia:

Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency


Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)


National Bank of Serbia


Central Bank of Seychelles

Sierra Leone:

Bank of Sierra Leone


Monetary Authority of Singapore


National Bank of Slovakia


Bank of Slovenia

Solomon Islands:

Central Bank of Solomon Islands

South Africa:

South African Reserve Bank


Bank of Spain

Sri Lanka:

Central Bank of Sri Lanka


Bank of Sudan


Central Bank of Suriname


The Central Bank of Swaziland


Sveriges Riksbank


Swiss National Bank


National Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan


Bank of Tanzania


Bank of Thailand


Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)


National Reserve Bank of Tonga

Trinidad and Tobago:

Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago


Central Bank of Tunisia


Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey


Bank of Uganda


National Bank of Ukraine

United Arab Emirates:

Central Bank of United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom:

Bank of England

United States:

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Washington)

Federal Reserve Bank of New York


Central Bank of Uruguay


Reserve Bank of Vanuatu


Central Bank of Venezuela


Central Bank of Yemen


Bank of Zambia


Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe