Wednesday, January 9, 2008




A fact sheet is a presentation of data on any subject in a format emphasizing brevity, key points of interest or concern, a fairly minimalist design aesthetic, and a general desire to convey the most relevant information in the least amount of space.

It is the tool that is provided by the ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY to the sake of investors. Factsheets that shows the full information about the Asset under management.

Investors will be invested in this asset under management only. To know the details about AUM, this factsheets will help them. Factsheets will be mainly helpful for new investors. Every investor should know about their investment.

As I said in the introduction part, investors are not intended to know their investment. They need only good return.

Factsheets contains following information.

1. Who is the fund manager?

2. Credit rating of asset under management.

3. Structure of fund... i.e. scheme of the fund.

4. Date that AUM introduces.

5. Information about fund…like corpus, minimum investment, exit load and entry load. Benchmark

6. Objective of the investment

7. Portfolio of the AUM

8. Amount that is diversified in to the other companies

9. % of the asset allocation of equity or in debt fund.

10. Performance of NAV.

11. Performance of investmen

12. Shows expense ratios

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